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Babylon Pro 8.0.7

Babylon Pro 8.0.7 (r7) Portable Added 245 Additional Dictionaries Multilingual | 626 MB

Babylon Pro 8 - dictionary, which allows to translate words from one language to another. Work with a dictionary is very simple - after clicking button on the floor there is a window with his translations. In addition to the translation of words, the program includes the British case and dictionaries, and also has the functions of currency conversions to date and the transfer of measures from one system to another.

English-Russian-English and other dictionaries can be downloaded in addition to the developer's site. In the dictionary, which can be used at any time, with online work, Babylon allows you to use huge databases, concentrated in such glossaries as Britannica, Amazon, Accuweather and more. Now you do not need much time to correct spelling errors and to find the correct word or translation. With this software, read and write in all languages is easier, faster and more efficiently. The program does all the work for you by checking spelling errors in real time, intelligent interpreter for any language and from any language, as well as automatic selection of expressions.

* To pack Dictionary Larousse Compact All, for the Gran Diccionario de la Lengua Espanola LAROUSSE puck from Larousse Spanish All, for the puck Terus Hebrew-Russian and Terus Russian-Hebrew activation no.

Present the license for the following paid Premium-dictionaries:
Concise Oxford English Dictionary; Concise Oxford Thesaurus; Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary; Merriam-Webster Collegiate Thesaurus; Britannica Concise Encyclopedia; WAHRIG.digital - Deutsches Worterbuch; Duden - Das Synonymworterbuch; Duden - Die deutsche Rechtschreibung; Duden - Das Fremdworterbuch; Duden - Deutsches Universalworterbuch; Handworterbuch Deutsch-Englisch; Handworterbuch Englisch-Deutsch; Concise Oxford Paravia English-Italian; Concise Oxford Paravia Italian-English.

